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Chinchilla Care

Chinchilla Care
Here at the Exotic Animal Hospital of Orlando, we offer a variety of services in order to prevent diseases in your pet chinchilla. During the first appointment, we will review proper diet and husbandry and how to prevent the development of major diseases in your chinchilla.

  • Annual physical exam – necessary to identify underlying medical problems and to assess the overall health of your pet.
  • Annual blood work  – recommended to determine that your chinchilla is in good health and that there are no underlying medical problems that your pet may be trying to hide.
  • Boarding – we can board your chinchilla while you are traveling and are away from home. Your chinchilla will get unlimited hay and a small amount of pellets every day. Fresh water will be available at all times. We clean the cage every day and ensure your chinchilla gets time outside the cage and interacts with the staff. Will also provide chewing toys and branches. Finally, will provide dust baths to your pet.

If you bring your chinchilla to us because it is already showing clinical signs of disease, we will address the issues and offer several services to help your pet overcome its illness.

  • Blood work – we can easily obtain blood samples, process the blood, and analyze the results in-house to determine if there is a systemic abnormality that could be affecting your chinchilla.
  • Urinalysis – we are able to obtain a urine sample and analyze the urine to determine if there are urinary or systemic abnormalities that could be affecting your chinchilla.
  • Radiographs – we utilize a state of the art digital radiography unit that provides high-resolution images in a matter of seconds.
  • Fecal exams – Fecal exams are performed in-house allowing us to determine if there are parasite eggs or larvae, overgrowth of bacteria and any other abnormalities in the stool.
  • Microbiology – we can obtain samples for bacterial, fungal and viral analysis.
  • Dentistry – we are fully equipped to perform dental trims, extractions and advanced dental surgery.
  • Soft tissue and orthopedic surgery – we are fully equipped to perform all types of surgery. We use inhalant anesthesia and have special equipment that keeps patients warm and stable during surgery. Also, have monitors that allow us to evaluate all the patient’s physiologic parameters under anesthesia.
  • Histopathology – we can obtain samples and biopsies to send out to our board-certified pathologist that specializes on zoo, exotic animals, and fish.
  • Critical care – we can hospitalize and provide the critical care needed for your pet to overcome its illness.
  • Laser therapy  – Cold laser therapy stimulates the blood flow, energy uptake and healing of wounds, incisions, scars, fractures, soft tissue and musculoskeletal injuries, bumblefoot (pododermatitis), etc. Ask us about this treatment modality to obtain more information.
  • Grooming – We can perform nail trims and ear cleanings if needed. Their nails need to be kept at a normal length so they are comfortable for your guinea pig and to prevent accidents or trauma.

At the Exotic Animal Hospital of Orlando, we are excited to help guide you through your journey of chinchilla ownership. They make fantastic pets and need medical care like dogs and cats. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help!

Contact Address

Exotic Animal Hospital of Orlando
1717 E Michigan St. Orlando, FL 32806
Phone: 407-286-3484
Fax: 407-650-2548